Hon. Rita “Sunny” Miller

Mediator  •  Arbitrator  •  Referee

Judge, Los Angeles Superior Court, Retired

  • Small company developing technology for the Air Force sued a large company that had been its alleged joint venturer because the large company allegedly misappropriated small company’s trade secrets, cut the small company out of the business with the Air Force, and defamed it.

  • Movie star who created a unique gangster persona in an iconic gangster movie sued animation studio for creating a character with some similarity to the persona created by the movie star.

  • Bodybuilder sued a bodybuilding magazine for misappropriation of his likeness in advertising.

  • Imprisoned rapper with reputation for being drug kingpin and “bad boy” sued clean-cut rapper for misappropriation of his name and “bad boy” identity and sued record label which published the clean-cut rapper’s music.

  • Grunge star sued manager.

  • Heir of famous author entered contract for screenplay based on author’s book and a dispute with the screenplay writers ensued.

  • American manufacturer of hip blue jeans sued Japanese distributor of its garments for unfair competition resulting from Japanese distributor selling its overstocked blue jeans in competition with plaintiff at cut prices.

  • Bar Review educational firm sued former employee for misappropriation of its trade secrets upon his departure.

  • Action for slander on the internet in cat-lover chat rooms.

  • Action for slander among joint venturers.

  • Producer of mini-series sued television network pursuant to “pay or play” contract when the producer claimed a deadline had passed and the network claimed producer had prevented its performance.

Intellectual Property, Defamation, Unfair Competition